Good afternoon golfers...
You will notice that I am a bit late with my report this week. This is why! I needed to get this photo.
This is a fresh divot taken out of the 6th green sometime on Sunday (late afternoon I suggest). The damage was found on Monday when our greens were being attended to.
You will recall that Friday Flash reported on two greens being damaged in the identical manner (and for what it is worth the damage looks entirely consistent wit the earlier damage).
We can only conclude that this damage is being done intentionally but by whom we do not know.
For now we would ask all members to be observant when playing the course. We expect that whoever the culprit is will do this again.
No one may take a golf shot from the green. While the pro's do in tight spots to access the hole amateurs must not. We do not have the skill set to hit the ball cleanly without damaging turf.
If the culprit is a member my message is "we will catch you" and when we do you will be banned from the course. If the culprit is not a member the same message applies.
While we ask for vigilance we know it is very uncomfortable approaching someone misbehaving in this manner. We would ask that if you notice anything like this happening to maybe get a photo and pass it on to Robyn ( We will take it from there.
The really disappointing thing about this is that it is totally disrespectful to those who work so hard to keep our course up to a good standard for golfers to enjoy. As reported in Friday Flash on Thursday last a team of fourteen volunteers filled in the divots on our tees and fairways as a service to our members. Members will also have noticed the volunteer work being done to repair our tees (drainage and the like) and volunteers are keeping fairways mowed, fallen trees removed, weed eating to tidy up the course appearance and so on. Dan and William are going above and beyond and Robyn is doing two jobs right now, course supervison and Club Manager.
So no matter how uncomfortable we may feel to call out bad behaviour let's do it to support those working to make our golfing experience pleasant.
I'll have more to say a little further on in my report.
I also want to report that after some fifteen years of active service to the Karori Golf Club as Womens Club Captain and Club Captain (and who knows how many years on the committee) Fiona Kearns has submitted her resignation from the committee and her roles therein. She will be hugely missed.
I'm sure all members of the club will want to extend a vote of thanks to her for all she has contributed in her time of active service to the club.
Fiona, thank you!
1. Drainage
I had a very informative walk around with Keith Atkinson on Saturday and we discussed at length the areas of the course that could use drainage work.
Keith being a well qualified practicing civil engineer has a good eye for these matters and knowledge as to how to make a comprhensive fix. If you have noticed the culverts that have gone in where our bridges were becoming dangerous you will see that the work done on these has not only provided safe crossing for members but have also been constructed to withstand the rigours of occasional high water flow as a result of heavy rain. The chance of course change around these culverts is minimal at worst.
Keith is keen to help oversee this work and to that end we will meet with our new course supervisor very shortly after he commences. As with all remdial work of this nature you never know what you will find until you make a start but a team with knowledge of the course will have a good idea where to go and how to proceed.
There will be cost but if we are to make improvements to our playing surfaces so that all our members can enjoy the course (many of our senior golfers have had to cool their heels while carts have been banned) then drainage will form a big part of the improvement.
More will come to hand shortly but it is clear to me that we leave this stuff to the experts and let them get on with it.
2. Upcoming events
a) Westward Ho
This event is named after our sister club in the UK and is a singles matchplay on handicap event. Qualifying is on Sunday16 July 2023. You may enter on the day or you can go on line to our events page and enter there. There is no entry fee.
Alternatively you may enter by putting your name on the sheet in the foyer, contacting Robyn ( or phoning the club (04) 476 7337 and speaking to a person.
Or, finally, you may enter on the day by selecting "Westward Ho" on the card menu before commence your round. Please note, you must have a marker and you must putt out (no gimmes).
b) Club Champs
While these are not until early September (The qualifying rounds will double as the stroke play championship) the event is now on the website. You may enter now and there is no need to worry about which division you will be playing in as this will be determined on the day entries close.
We are seeking the top 16 qualifiers in four grades, Senior, Intermediate, Junior A and Junior B for the match play.
First round losers will go in to a plate competition and everyone who misses out on the matchplay (at whatever stage their club championship finishes) will be able to play the Championship Stableford on the day of the Club Champs Final.
On finals day the course will be closed to everyone except club members taking part in these events.
Please note that while the Club Champs are the "Mens" championships, all members are invited to play in the championship stableford.
Please also note: This is the one event where members must enter in advance. Failure to enter by close of business on Friday 1 September will mean that you will not be eligible for the club championships.
c) Ken and Rose Rigarlsford Trophy
This event will be held on Saturday 19 August tee time from 10am.
There is no entry fee.
All members are invited to play in this event and we would particularly encourage all new members and juniors to come along and join the fun.
You may enter by letting Robyn know (, signing on to the sheet in the foyer or calling the club on (04) 476 7337 and speaking to a person.
We will have this up on the website shortly for those who wish to enter online.
The course will be closed for the day to allow for the tournament to go ahead. Limited tee times from about 2pm onwards may be available.
3. Sunday golf results
a) Monthly Medal
This was won by Marcus Henry (Nett 63) from Florance Perry (Nett 65) and (on Nett 66) Neil Hoskin, Scott McHardy, Phillip Apperley, and Phil Goodwin.
Great effort Marcus!
b) Sunday Club
The above results will mean that the results of Sunday Club will be identical.
And they are. All that changes is the number which is 43 points (Henry), 41 points (Florance) and 40 points respectively (Hoskin, McHardy, Apperley,and Goodwin).
c) Bertram Cup
The quarter finals of the Betram Cup sees the following match up: Pat and Shane Redmond play Dominic and Thomas Milicich (10.02am); David and William McNaughton play Keith Atkinson and Paul Hawkes (10.09am); Ciaran O'Kelly plays Scott McHardy and Matthew Roche (10.16am) and, Phil Goodwin and Boyd Kenna play Fergus McDougall and Tim Kirby (10.23am).
Good luck to all involved.
4. Course Marshaling
In light of our phanthom greens vandal (and other matters) I am looking for volunteers to assist with course marshaling for both Saturday and Sunday mornings and afternoon (particularly afternoon).
It's preferable for marshals to go out in pairs but a couple of us have experience of marshaling alone.
All volunteers will be instructed in the role before they are expected to head out on the course.
Please let Robyn know ( or you can sign up on a sheet that will be available in the foyer from later this week.
If we get sufficient volunteers I would hope that it would only involve a once a month committment at most.
I am providing the shop with a flyer to be given to green fee players (particularly) advising on reasonable course etiquette.
This should assist marshals in their duties.
So, that's it for this week.
Good golfing and we will catch up again (on Monday next week).
Mark Peck
Club Captain.
ps - Don't forget Wednesday Competition and Sunday Club.
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